Recovery Doesn’t Have to Start at Rock Bottom: 3 Signs That it’s Time to Get Help for Prescription Drug Abuse

Prescription Drug Abuse

“It is prescribed by a doctor, I can’t get addicted” are the famous last words of far too many right before they fall into the cycle of addiction and drug abuse. Prescription medication misuse is a problem that continues to grow in the United States. While there is a common misconception that one must “hit rock bottom” before they are ready for treatment, the reality is that early intervention can make recovery more attainable and less difficult. When you understand the signs of addiction and can recognize the problem before it spirals out of control, you have a greater chance of arresting the problem in its tracks. 

This is Not a New Problem

Prescription medication abuse has been a widespread issue in the United States for decades. In the 1930’s amphetamine was used as a decongestant and remedy for depression sparking the country's first prescription drug epidemic. According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse , over 14 million people have abused prescription medications in the last year. The abuse of opioids, benzodiazepines, and stimulants is particularly concerning, as these medications are increasingly prescribed but highly addictive.

Prescription drug misuse is a serious condition and can lead to extreme health complications, addiction, and death. Over 16,000 people died from prescribed opioids in 2022. That’s not even taking into account how many people died from opioids that weren’t prescribed to them and including the number of deaths from benzodiazepines and stimulants. The statistics underscore the urgent need for awareness and early intervention in combating prescription pill abuse.

3 Uncommon Signs That You Have an Addiction to Prescription Pills

Some symptoms of prescription pill addiction are more obvious than others. Increased tolerance and withdrawal are common and easy to identify. But there are other, less obvious indicators that can signal a developing pill addiction. 

Here are three uncommon signs that you may have a problem with prescription pills:

  1. Changes in Social Circles and Hobbies

Struggling with drug addiction almost always results in changes to social behavior and daily interests. More often than not, an addict’s social circle and hobbies will change as their addiction worsens.

Signs to Look For:

  • New friend groups: Spending more time with individuals who also abuse prescription drugs, can get prescription drugs or who enable prescription drug use.
  • Loss of interest in old hobbies: Loss of interest in activities that were once enjoyed in favor of spending time finding and using prescription pills.
  • Isolation: Withdrawing from social interactions and activities that do not involve drug use.

These changes could indicate that your life is becoming increasingly focused on obtaining and using prescription pills.

  1. Unexplained Financial Problems

As tolerance grows and prescriptions run out faster, people will turn to illicit means to secure their pills. These drugs usually come at a premium which results in financial instability. As addiction takes hold, you may find yourself spending more money on obtaining drugs, which can lead to financial difficulties.

Signs to Look For:

  • Borrowing money: Frequently asking friends or family for money without a real reason or lying about the reasons for needing money.
  • Neglecting financial responsibilities: Falling behind on bills, rent, or other financial obligations due to spending money on prescription pills.
  • Unusual transactions: Unexplained withdrawals or spending patterns on your bank statements that correlate with drug purchases.

Financial problems can be an indirect but telling sign of an underlying addiction issue. As the funds run out, people can turn to more and more extreme measures to get their fix. 

  1. Cognitive & Memory Issues

Physical symptoms of addiction may be more noticeable but cognitive and memory issues are equally important to pay attention to. Prescription pill abuse can impair your cognitive functions, affecting your ability to think clearly and remember things accurately.

Signs to Look For:

  • Forgetfulness: Frequently forgetting important dates, appointments, or responsibilities.
  • Confusion: Experiencing periods of confusion or difficulty concentrating on tasks that previously were easy.
  • Poor decision-making: Making irrational or risky decisions, especially those that prioritize drug use over other aspects of life.

These cognitive changes can severely impact your daily functioning and are a strong indicator of addiction.

There is a Better Way

You don't have to wait until you hit rock bottom to seek help. Recognize the problem for what it is and take action. 

If you or someone you love is struggling with signs of prescription pill abuse, call Owl’s Nest Recovery today. There are better ways to live than battling addiction day-in and day-out. Early intervention can pave the way for a healthier, more fulfilling life free from the grip of drug abuse. Call today.


The Owls Nest


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