Uppers vs. Downers: 4 Signs of Prescription Pill Addiction You Might’ve Missed

Rx Pill Addiction

Just because it was prescribed by a doctor does not mean you can’t get addicted to it. Prescription medication abuse and addiction has become such a rampant problem that in 2017, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services declared it a national public health emergency. While the opioid epidemic has taken center stage, misuse of stimulants (Adderall, etc) and depressants (Xanax, etc) have taken their toll on communities across the country. At Owl's Nest Recovery in Florence, SC, we are dedicated to helping those struggling with prescription pill addiction. Recognizing the signs early can make a difference in seeking timely help. Here are four signs of prescription pill addiction you might’ve missed. 

1. Increased Tolerance & Consumption

One of the first indicators of prescription pill addiction is the need to take more of the drug to achieve the same effects. This is called tolerance. The body is getting used to having the drugs in its system. This often leads to increased consumption and, consequently, a higher risk of addiction.

Signs to Watch For:

  • Frequent Refills: Are you or a loved one refilling prescriptions more often than usual or running out of your prescribed amount faster?

  • Higher Dosages: Taking higher doses than prescribed to achieve the desired effect.

  • Multiple Prescriptions: Seeking prescriptions from multiple doctors or pharmacies or buying drugs off the street to supplement your prescription?

If you notice these behaviors, it might be time to seek professional help. Owl's Nest Recovery offers personalized treatment plans just for you. 

2. Changes in Behavior & Mood

Prescription pill abuse can significantly impact your behavior and mood. These changes may be subtle at first but tend to escalate over time.

Signs to Watch For:

  • Mood Swings: Experiencing frequent and unpredictable changes in mood. Your mood becomes dependent on the drugs.

  • Social Withdrawal: Avoiding social interactions and activities that were once enjoyable. Choosing instead to spend all your time doing drugs or finding more drugs. 

  • Irritability & Agitation: Becoming easily irritated or agitated without clear cause. This is increased when you are out of drugs. 

Behavioral changes are often overlooked but are clear indicators of addiction. Our experienced clinical team at Owl's Nest Recovery is equipped to provide the necessary support and guidance to help you regain control of your life.

3. Neglecting Responsibilities

When someone is struggling with prescription pill addiction, their priorities often shift. This shift can lead to neglecting responsibilities at home, work, or school.

Signs to Watch For:

  • Poor Performance: Decline in work or academic ability and focus.

  • Neglected Duties: Failing to fulfill obligations and responsibilities.

  • Financial Problems: Spending excessive money on obtaining prescription pills or street drugs.

These signs can disrupt a person’s life and those around them. Seeking help from a professional addiction treatment program like Owl's Nest Recovery can provide the tools needed to rebuild and restore balance.

4. Physical Health Issues

Consistently taking larger and larger doses of prescription pills will take its toll on your physical and mental health. The signs might be subtle initially but can become increasingly apparent as the addiction progresses. 

Signs to Watch For:

  • Sleep Disturbances: Experiencing insomnia or excessive sleepiness.

  • Weight Changes: Unexplained weight loss or gain.

  • Frequent Illness: Lowered immune system leading to frequent sickness.

  • Cognitive Decline: Reduced ability to think clearly and a noticeable decline in psychomotor skills. 

Paying attention to these physical symptoms is crucial. At Owl's Nest Recovery, we offer comprehensive care that addresses both the physical and psychological aspects of addiction.

Seeking Help at Owl's Nest Recovery

You can’t treat something you don’t know exists. That’s why recognizing the signs of prescription medication abuse is the first step toward recovery. At Owl's Nest Recovery in Florence, SC, we understand the complexities of addiction and are here to help. Our holistic approach to treatment includes personalized care plans, therapy, and support to guide you or your loved one through the journey to recovery.

If you suspect someone you care about is struggling with prescription pill addiction, don’t wait. For more information about our treatment programs and services, please give us a call. Let Owl's Nest Recovery help you take flight in overcoming addiction and reclaiming your life.



The Owls Nest


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